Hacktoberfest FAQ

What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is an annual month-long event that celebrates open source software. It encourages developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts from around the world to contribute to open source projects by making a minimum of four pull requests (PRs) on platforms like GitHub during the month of October.

When does Hacktoberfest take place?

Hacktoberfest takes place every year during the month of October.

Is Hacktoberfest only for experienced developers??

No, Hacktoberfest is open to developers of all levels, from beginners to experienced professionals. It's a great opportunity for newcomers to open source to get involved, learn, and make contributions.

How do I participate in Hacktoberfest?

To participate in Hacktoberfest, follow these steps:

  1. Register on the Hacktoberfest website.
  2. Find open source projects on platforms like GitHub and make at least four meaningful contributions by creating pull requests.
  3. Ensure your contributions follow the event's guidelines and are accepted by the project maintainers.

What qualifies as a valid Hacktoberfest contribution?

A valid Hacktoberfest contribution should meet the following criteria:

Can I contribute to any open source project for Hacktoberfest??

Yes, you can contribute to any open source project, as long as it meets the Hacktoberfest criteria. However, some maintainers may label their issues with "hacktoberfest" to indicate that they are open to contributions for the event.

Are there any rewards for participating in Hacktoberfest??

Aside from the knowledge you’ll gain, (and the fun you’ll have) you can earn a digital reward kit courtesy of DigitalOcean and our sponsors and partners. You’ll receive your digital reward once you’ve completed four accepted pull/merge requests. Also, the first 50,000 participants to have their first PR/MR accepted will have a tree planted in their name through Tree Nation.

What should I do if my PR is not accepted ?

If your pull request is not accepted or labeled as "hacktoberfest-accepted," don't worry. It's important to focus on quality contributions, and sometimes maintainers may have specific criteria or guidelines for accepting contributions. You can continue to make contributions to other projects or improve your existing PRs based on feedback.

Where can I find more information about Hacktoberfest??

You can find more information and updates about Hacktoberfest on the official Hacktoberfest website . Additionally, you can follow the event's announcements on social media and participate in community discussions to stay informed.